if you want my video game collab sig ask me! It looks amazing. It was by babiesatemydingo!
My Collab
People who are in this collab now
The Intro
Hi everyone. This is my collab that will run with PM's. So don't tell me I cant do a collab. This is not the forums. I am doing 2 other collabs right now. But this is my first with 12 parts. It's a very creative idea that I got from looking around Google images. So let me tell you about it.
The Idea
You know how on video game covers, it shows the
1. System it is able to played on. (EX: Ps3 or Wii, etc)
2. Rating (E, T, M)
3. Companies who created it.
4. And an overall cool cover with the games name
Now the idea is it to mess around with these video game covers. It will be a parody on them. Lets useNewgrounds as an example. This part might get a bit confusing. You, the animator, will make a game cover, that makes fun of other things. So, you would have a blank black screen. You add a game system logo on to it.(EX: like the Xbox Suck60) Then you add the companies that made it.( EX:Idiots who eat turtles) Then you put the rating (EX: Spammers) Then you put the games in. So using Newgrounds as an example, you would put the NG logo in the middle of the case then beneath it you would write "The Game"
This will be astill Image, the animation is coming up.
Get it?
That's not the endof it. Then you will go on to make an ANIMATION that looks like your are playing Newgrounds the Game. THIS IS NOT A GAME. ITS AN ANIMATION. SO again, using NG as an example you would get creative and make a short 10-20sec sec animation that shows you playing NG The Game. I might extendthe time.
So, if you don't get it here are the steps.
1. Complete Cover of game.
2. Create an animation of the game.
You know how to start the game it says PRESS START?
Well you will do that, but instead of start, the person will have to use the spacebar. The START screen will look very well done and creative. Then, when the person presses Spacebar, The animation starts.
So, imagine Mario, in world 1-1. Instead of Mario its, Tankman. Instead of Goombas, there is a famous NG characetrs. Instaed of little bricks, there is a picture of tom fulp. Instaed of fire balls, you shoot the word FLASHPORTAL.
Get the idea? We are basically doing parodies over game but in a New way.
The Steps
So this is what you, do the animators do.
1. Create a very creative coverfor your game
1.5- Make a start screen
2. Create an animationfor your game.
3. PM me the .swf on spam the web and put the .fla as a download somewhere.
4. MatchBox Dan will put everything together.
5. We hit frontpage.
So, the specifications are-STAGE SIZE= 550 x 400
FPS= 25
Here are the Parts. I can change the part if you have a better idea.
-------UPDATED------------- AGAIN----------AGAIN
1-icandraw -Newgrounds The Game-almost COMPLETE-http://spamtheweb.com/ul /upload/061209/67129_newgrounds_the_ga me.php
2-( not taken) Adobe Flash: The Game
3-I can draw)-Parody on Tetris
4 Javacke- Parody on The legend of Zelda
5-( not taken) Windows Vista: The Game
6-fourswordsking-Left 4 Dead featuring Extension edition: Butterflies and Bunnies
7-( not taken)Obama: The Game
8-( not taken) Old Guys with Guns: Featuring The Mad Turtle
9-( not taken) Cupcake:The Game
10-( not taken) Hannah Montana: The Game
11-( not taken) (anything you want)
12-( not taken)Tom Fulp : The Game
13= Fourswordsking-Make a Menu screen for this flash.
14= Make a preloader for this flash.
If you want another example, imagine this.
Instead of newgrounds, its OBAMA the game. Obama has to fight republicans then the final boss is John McCAin LOL.
PS, the title for this collab is not set.
Everyone will get some revenue. No REAL pay.
Also, I don't care if you have no flash submissions or bad ones. But the part you make for this collab must be quality.
NO nasty stuff and language. Keep at a 13 year old level. NO F word or B word.
SO again, if there are any questions just PM me.
If you are taking part in this POST HEREand tell me which part you want. The first 5 parts must be very very very god quality and funny because most people rate by watching like 30 secs of a movie. Curentlly 4 people are working on this.
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