I've never liked the classical genre, but you just changed that! This song was truly epic.
I liked everything from the violin, bells, to the Tuba. I'm in a band, so I think I heard most instruments in my band from 1:58 to 2:11. Very nice placing of everything. You are a professional musician correct? I'm sure people like Disney could make you their afilitate.
Back to the song.
It truly got me pumped up. The only thing I didn't like was the ending, it kinda ruined it. You ended it on a beat that sounded like it would keep going, the whole song was so creative and fun, why couldn't the ending as well.
For me the climax was 1:09. The crescendo their with the awesome notes was great.
I can see this song be remixed a lot, its a trend setter. Great job.
5/5. 9/10.