Lez see whats on my schedule.
First off, I'm making a game with Johnny Utah and HDXMike.
Our character animator is the almighty Gonzossm.
An engine will be showed in the future.
Also, I'm making a game with MercuryBD. He is an amazing animator, pretty much as good as DanPaladin. And HDXMike is programming this one to. And coincidentally enough, Johnny Utah is doing additional art and animation.
Heres a little sneak peak of the enemy animations.CLICK HERE. I'm gonna keep this project on the down low :)
The GameTrailerCollab, hosted by me and Archon68 is due at April 1st. It'll be released in April, of course :) I'll show a peak when I can.
And I might cancel my AudioCollab, I just don't have the time.
So, peace and drop a comment :)
Additional Thanks: Farza
lol. Actually, I get co-author.